OS Steam Deck Bisa Dikombinasikan dengan ASUS ROG Ally, Asalkan Memenuhi Syarat

Steam Deck – Perkembangan teknologi gaming terus menunjukkan inovasi yang menarik, terutama dalam dunia perangkat keras dan sistem operasi. Salah satu topik yang sedang ramai dibicarakan adalah kemungkinan menggunakan sistem operasi Steam Deck pada perangkat gaming lain, seperti ASUS ROG Ally. Hal ini memungkinkan para penggemar game untuk menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lebih luas dengan kombinasi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang berbeda. Namun, ada beberapa syarat penting yang harus dipenuhi agar kombinasi ini berjalan lancar.

Steam Deck dan Sistem Operasinya

Steam Deck, perangkat gaming portabel dari Valve, hadir dengan sistem operasi SteamOS yang berbasis Linux. Sistem operasi ini dirancang khusus untuk mendukung ekosistem Steam dan memberikan pengalaman gaming yang optimal pada perangkat portabel. Salah satu kelebihan utama SteamOS adalah kemampuannya untuk menjalankan game-game di Steam dengan dukungan penuh, termasuk game AAA yang membutuhkan performa tinggi.

SteamOS juga memiliki antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan dioptimalkan untuk navigasi melalui kontroler, menjadikannya pilihan yang populer bagi para gamer yang ingin menikmati game PC secara portabel tanpa harus mengorbankan kualitas permainan.

ASUS ROG Ally: Kekuatan Gaming di Tangan

ASUS ROG Ally adalah salah satu pesaing kuat di pasar perangkat gaming portabel. Dikenal dengan spesifikasi yang tangguh, perangkat ini menawarkan kinerja tinggi dengan dukungan prosesor AMD Ryzen Z1 Series dan GPU yang kuat, membuatnya mampu menangani game-game modern dengan lancar. ROG Ally juga dilengkapi dengan layar beresolusi tinggi, yang memberikan pengalaman visual yang mengesankan.

Namun, ROG Ally menggunakan Windows sebagai sistem operasinya. Meskipun Windows memberikan fleksibilitas dalam menjalankan berbagai aplikasi dan game, beberapa pengguna mungkin tertarik untuk mencoba SteamOS, terutama bagi mereka yang lebih fokus pada gaming di ekosistem Steam.

Syarat Menggabungkan SteamOS dengan ROG Ally

Untuk dapat menggunakan SteamOS pada ASUS ROG Ally, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Pertama, kompatibilitas perangkat keras merupakan faktor krusial. Meskipun SteamOS dirancang untuk bekerja dengan perangkat keras tertentu, penyesuaian mungkin diperlukan agar sistem operasi ini dapat berjalan optimal di ROG Ally.

Selain itu, instalasi SteamOS pada perangkat non-Steam Deck memerlukan pengetahuan teknis yang cukup. Pengguna harus memahami cara melakukan instalasi dual-boot atau bahkan mengganti sistem operasi secara penuh. Hal ini melibatkan risiko seperti hilangnya data atau malfungsi perangkat jika proses instalasi tidak dilakukan dengan benar.

Namun, jika semua syarat ini terpenuhi, menggunakan SteamOS pada ROG Ally dapat memberikan pengalaman gaming yang unik. Pengguna dapat menikmati antarmuka SteamOS yang dioptimalkan untuk gaming dengan kekuatan perangkat keras yang ditawarkan oleh ROG Ally.

Masa Depan Perangkat Gaming Portabel

Kemungkinan menggabungkan sistem operasi dari satu perangkat dengan perangkat lain menunjukkan betapa fleksibelnya teknologi gaming saat ini. Ini juga memberikan pilihan lebih banyak bagi para gamer dalam menyesuaikan perangkat mereka sesuai kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing.

Langkah ini juga menunjukkan arah masa depan industri gaming, di mana batasan antara perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak semakin kabur, memungkinkan integrasi yang lebih luas. Bagi para penggemar game, ini tentu menjadi kabar baik, karena mereka dapat mengakses berbagai kombinasi yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan sebelumnya.

Dengan semakin banyaknya perangkat gaming portabel yang hadir di pasaran, kemungkinan untuk menyesuaikan sistem operasi dan perangkat keras sesuai keinginan pengguna akan terus berkembang. Integrasi seperti SteamOS dengan ASUS ROG Ally mungkin menjadi awal dari tren baru dalam dunia gaming, di mana fleksibilitas dan personalisasi menjadi kunci utama.

Produser MGS Delta: Snake Eater Ingin Bekerja Sama Lagi dengan Hideo Kojima

MGS Delta – Noriaki Okamura, produser dari “Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater,” baru-baru ini mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk kembali bekerja sama dengan Hideo Kojima, sang kreator asli dari seri “Metal Gear.” Dalam episode Metal Gear Production Hotline yang diunggah di YouTube, Okamura menyatakan bahwa bekerja sama lagi dengan Kojima akan menjadi “mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan.”

Okamura mencatat bahwa perpisahan Kojima dengan Konami telah memisahkan banyak anggota tim asli “Metal Gear” ke proyek dan komitmen baru mereka masing-masing. Meski demikian, semangat dan dedikasi terhadap warisan “Metal Gear” tetap kuat di antara para mantan anggota tim. Okamura sendiri merasa bangga bisa bekerja di proyek “Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater,” dan berusaha menghadirkan pengalaman yang setia kepada penggemar lama maupun baru.

Reuni yang Ditunggu-Tunggu

Reuni antara Okamura dan Kojima tentunya akan disambut dengan antusias oleh para penggemar “Metal Gear.” Kojima, yang dikenal dengan visi kreatif dan inovatifnya, telah membawa “Metal Gear” menjadi salah satu seri permainan paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah industri game. Kolaborasi ini diharapkan bisa menghidupkan kembali semangat dan kreativitas yang sama dalam proyek-proyek mendatang.

Tantangan dan Peluang

Meski ada tantangan dalam mewujudkan reuni tersebut, Okamura tetap optimis. Ia percaya bahwa dengan teknologi dan pendekatan baru, ada banyak peluang untuk memperkaya narasi dan gameplay dari seri “Metal Gear.” Selain itu, dukungan komunitas penggemar yang solid juga menjadi salah satu pendorong semangat tim dalam mengembangkan game ini.

Masa Depan “Metal Gear”

Masa depan seri “Metal Gear” tampaknya masih cerah dengan dedikasi orang-orang seperti Okamura dan dukungan komunitas penggemar. Meskipun jalan menuju reuni dengan Kojima mungkin penuh tantangan, harapan dan semangat untuk menghadirkan kembali keajaiban “Metal Gear” tetap kuat.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat membaca artikel aslinya di sini dan 526Bet

Membahas Perjalanan Mobile Legends: Bang Bang dari Awalnya Sampai 2024

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang ialah peristiwa dalam industri games mobile, menarik juta-an pemain dari penjuru dunia semenjak dikeluarkan di tahun 2016. Dalam artikel berikut, kita akan mengevaluasi sejarah awalnya Mobile Legends dan mencari perubahannya sampai tahun 2024.

Awalnya Mula Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang diperkembangkan dan diedarkan oleh Moonton, sebuah perusahaan games yang berbasiskan di Shanghai, China. Games ini di-launching dengan sah di bulan Juli 2016 untuk basis iOS dan Android. Waktu itu, game MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Tempat) ini tawarkan pengalaman bermain yang hebat dengan grafis yang memikat dan gameplay yang cepat.

Dari sejak awalnya, Mobile Legends mengundang perhatian beberapa pemain games mobile dengan ide yang gampang dimengerti dan aksesibilitas yang luas. Model bermainnya yang bersaing, di mana pemain bisa bermain-main dengan dan menantang pemain lain lewat cara online, membuat jadi opsi yang terkenal di kelompok pencinta games.

Perubahan Sampai 2024

Dari tahun ke tahun, Mobile Legends terus alami perubahan yang krusial, baik pada hal pemain, content, atau kompetisi. Silahkan kita evaluasi sejumlah titik penting pada perjalanannya sampai tahun 2024:

1. Peningkatan Jumlah Pemain

Semenjak dikeluarkan, Mobile Legends sudah menarik juta-an pemain dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Dengan gameplay yang adiktif dan terus diperbaharui, jumlah pemain semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari. Di tahun 2024, jumlah pemain aktif Mobile Legends diprediksi capai angka yang mengagumkan, menjadikan salah satunya games mobile terpopuler di dunia.

2. Perkembangan Gameplay dan Feature

Seiring waktu berjalan, Moonton terus mengupdate Mobile Legends dengan tambahan sejumlah fitur baru dan kenaikan gameplay. Dari model permainan baru sampai rekonsiliasi kesetimbangan watak, pengembang terus berusaha untuk jaga supaya pengalaman bermain masih tetap fresh dan menarik untuk beberapa pemain.

3. Eksplorasi E-Sports

Mobile Legends sudah memainkan peranan penting saat mengusung reputasi e-sports di kelompok games mobile. Beberapa turnamen besar seperti Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Championship sudah diselenggarakan dengan reguler, mengundang perhatian beberapa pemain dan pemirsa di penjuru dunia. Di tahun 2024, beberapa turnamen ini diprediksi akan makin bertambah besar dan menarik, dengan hadiah lebih besar dan persaingan lebih seru.

4. Pengenalan Watak dan Skin Baru

Salah satunya faktor daya magnet Mobile Legends ialah berbagai ragamnya watak dan skin yang ada. Tiap beberapa waktu, Moonton launching watak-karakter baru dan skin-skin terbatas untuk tingkatkan serunya permainan dan memberi opsi lebih banyak ke beberapa pemain. Dengan begitu, pemain bisa terus mengeksploitasi taktik baru dan style bermain yang tidak sama.

5. Peningkatan Kualitas Grafis

Searah dengan perubahan teknologi, Mobile Legends terus tingkatkan kualitas grafisnya. Dari tahun ke tahun, pemain bisa menyaksikan kenaikan yang krusial dalam detil watak, dampak khusus, dan lingkungan permainan. Ini membuat pengalaman bermain makin imersif dan mempesona.

Rintangan dan Kesempatan di Saat Depan

Walaupun Mobile Legends sudah raih keberhasilan yang lebih besar, masih tetap ada rintangan dan kesempatan yang perlu ditemui di depan. Kompetisi dengan beberapa game semacam makin ketat, dan Moonton tetap harus bereksperimen dan beradaptasi trend pasar untuk selalu berkompetisi.

Di lain sisi, kesempatan untuk meningkatkan Mobile Legends selanjutnya besar sekali. Dengan perkembangan industri esports yang semakin meningkat, Mobile Legends berpotensi untuk menjadi satu di antara pemain inti dalam tempat bersaing ini. Dengan meluaskan lingkup kompetisi dan tawarkan semakin banyak peluang untuk pemain pemula atau profesional, Mobile Legends bisa perkuat tempatnya sebagai salah satunya games mobile paling punya pengaruh di dunia.


Mobile Legends: Bang Bang sudah berubah jadi peristiwa dalam industri games mobile semenjak dikeluarkan di tahun 2016. Dengan juta-an pemain di penjuru dunia, games ini selalu alami perkembangan yang krusial dalam soal pemain, content, dan kompetisi. Dengan terus meningkatkan gameplay dan mengeksploitasi kesempatan e-sports, Mobile Legends berpotensi besar untuk selalu menjadi satu diantara games mobile terpopuler sampai sekian tahun kedepan.

PlayStation Holds Ramadan Deals, Buy Games with Discounts Up to 70%

In order to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan, PlayStation is holding an interesting event entitled Ramadan Deals. They offer discounts for every game purchase on PS4 and PS5.

The discounts given are up to 70%. But when gamers enter the shop page, the price discount is even greater, considering that some are discounted up to 80%.

Unfortunately Ramadan Deals don’t last long. Because PlayStation is only implementing it until April 24th.

At this event, many AAA games can be bought at low prices. One of them is Read Dead Redemption 2, which is selling for IDR 244,200 from the original offer of IDR 740 thousand.

Then there is also the PS4 and PS5 version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, which is discounted 58%. So gamers only need to spend IDR 432,180, from the original price of IDR 1,029,000.

Apart from that, gamers can get the Hogwarts Legacy PS5 for IDR 495 thousand from IDR 990. Meanwhile the PS4 version is cheaper, namely IDR 404,500 from IDR 809 thousand.

If the titles above are still not good enough, maybe you can see the list of games that Game Station has collected from the official website, Tuesday (2/4/2024).

Please note, the prices below have been deducted from the discount provided by PlayStation.

  • NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (PS5) – Rp. 249,750
  • NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (PS4) – IDR 178 thousand
  • It Takes Two (PS4 and PS5) – Rp. 140,500
  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5) – IDR 454 thousand
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered (PS5) – Rp. 364,500
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition (PS4 and PS5) – Rp. 204 thousand
  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Digital Deluxe Edition (PS5) – Rp. 695 thousand
  • GTA V Premium Edition (PS4) – IDR 214 thousand
  • Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS4 and PS5) – Rp. 290,070
  • A Plague Tale: Innocence – Rp. 173,700
  • Shadow of the Tomb Rider Difinitive Edition (PS4) – Rp. 127 thousand

Ojol The Game Redeem Code, Hurry and Claim Before It Runs Out

Ojol The Game redeem code revealed. Players have the opportunity to win various attractive prizes. Do not believe? Hurry up and claim now, because gamers are afraid they will run out of exchange quota

This game is currently being loved by gamers in Indonesia. Especially after the famous YouTuber, Windah Basudara, played it for the first time some time ago, on February 24 2024 to be precise.

Ojol The Game offers quite simple gameplay. Gamers will work as online motorcycle taxi drivers, and have the mission of picking up and delivering passengers to their destination.

If the task is carried out well, gamers will receive rewards ranging from virtual money, playing experience points, and stars as a sign of customer satisfaction.

Additional information for those of you who haven’t played it yet. When you first enter the game, players will only be given capital of 10 thousand virtual money, three gold, and several handheld cellphones.

Well, there is an easy way to make more virtual money and gold. Players can use the Ojol The Game redeem code, which if claimed provides these prizes.

Ojol The Game Redeem Code

For those of you who are curious about the Ojol The Game redeem code, you can check it below, as compiled by TechViral, Thursday (7/3/2024). When Tech Viral claims it, you can see the prize you get in the picture.


Currently, only the Ojol The Game redeem code above can still be used. Meanwhile, the code list below is stale.








Elden Ring Reveals Shadow of The Erdtree Release Date

The latest downloadable content (DLC) for the game Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree has been revealed. The release date is clear, June 21 2024.

Reporting from GameStation, Sunday (25/2/2024) the DLC from Elden Ring entitled Shadow of the Erdtree has launched Wednesday, February 21 2024 at 21.30 WIB on the Bandai Namco channel.

Elden Ring enjoyed huge success in 2022, even breaking developer FromSoftware’s sales record. This is one of the highest rated games of all time.

Moreover, with the presence of this DLC, many fans can’t wait to continue their adventure in the Lands Between. Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has been announced on the 1 year anniversary of Elden Ring’s release.

FromSoftware announced the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC by also showing concept art which revealed a little about what will be and happen in the DLC. Theories and speculation from fans have been overflowing since the announcement of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, but it is difficult to get an official answer.

Luckily, the information-hungry wait for Elden Ring’s big DLC ​​is nearing its end. The Elden Ring DLC ​​trailer shows this gameplay expansion. What FromSoftware has promised fans is a trailer of gameplay footage that fans have been waiting for.

Apart from the gameplay, many fans of Elden Ring hope to see the release date announcement of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC in the trailer. The release date was announced at the end of the trailer, namely June 21 2024 and there was immediately an offer for pre-orders.

PC game snacks on Steam are really cheap, and there are discounts of up to 80%

Steam brings good news for gamers who like playing games on PC. Because they have an interesting event, which provides discounts for every game purchase of up to 80%.

According to Game Station monitoring from its official website, Monday (19/2/2024), there are two events currently being held. Gamers can enjoy discounts at the Steam Remote Play Together Fest, and another at the Ubisoft Publisher Sale.

The two events have different periods. Steam Remote Play Together Fest runs until February 21st. Meanwhile for the Ubisoft Publisher Sale, discounts can be enjoyed until February 29.

Here gamers can enjoy a variety of cool games, which have very cheap selling prices. The deduction is ‘outside the limit’, because the reduced amount can be up to IDR 200 thousand.

Are you curious about what games are offered? Let’s look at the following list. For details, the numbers in brackets are the original price and those next to it after a discount.

It Takes Two – Rp. 119,750 (Rp. 479 thousand)

Madden NFL 24 – Rp. 227,700 (Rp. 759 thousand)

Overcooked! 2 – Rp. 49,999 (Rp. 199,999)

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker – Rp. 186,600 (Rp. 622 thousand)

Bread & Fred – Rp. 98,249 (Rp. 130,999)

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – Rp. 154,750 (Rp. 619 thousand)

Riders Republic – Rp. 114,750 (Rp. 459 thousand)

Far Cry 6 – Rp. 154,750 (Rp. 619 thousand)

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – Rp. 82 thousand (Rp. 205 thousand)

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – Rp. 92,700 (Rp. 309 thousand)

Please remember that the series of titles above are only a reference. If it doesn’t suit the gamer’s wishes, you can choose it yourself directly on Steam.

But if you do decide to buy some of these games, make sure the gamer has adequate PC specs. At least according to the recommendations given by Valve on its platform.

So every game has information regarding what PC specs the player should have. Usually this data is on the official page of each game on Steam.

Pac-Man: A Classic Video Game

Pac-Man is a classic video game that was first released in 1980. The game was created by Toru Iwatani of Namco and was originally titled Puck-Man in Japan. The game was an instant success and quickly became one of the most popular video games of all time.

The Game

Pac-Man is a maze game in which the player controls a yellow character named Pac-Man. The goal of the game is to eat all of the dots in the maze while avoiding four ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Pac-Man can eat the ghosts if he eats a power pellet, which makes them turn blue and vulnerable.

The Impact

Pac-Man had a major impact on popular culture. The game was one of the first video games to be popular with both men and women, and it helped to popularize video games in general. Pac-Man has also been featured in a number of television shows and movies, and it has been referenced in many other forms of media.

The Legacy

Pac-Man is a classic video game that is still enjoyed by people of all ages today. The game is simple to learn but difficult to master, and it is a great way to challenge your hand-eye coordination. Pac-Man is a true classic that will continue to be enjoyed for many years to come.

Here are some additional facts about Pac-Man:

  • Pac-Man was the first video game to have a named character.
  • Pac-Man was the first video game to feature a power-up.
  • Pac-Man was the first video game to be adapted into a television show.
  • Pac-Man is the best-selling video game of all time, with over 400 million copies sold.
  • Pac-Man was inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame in 2010.

The Future of Pac-Man

Pac-Man is a classic video game that has stood the test of time. The game is still enjoyed by people of all ages today, and it is sure to continue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Pac-Man is a true classic that will never go out of style.

Here are some ideas for how Pac-Man could be updated for the future:

  • Pac-Man could be updated with new graphics and gameplay mechanics.
  • Pac-Man could be released on new platforms, such as mobile devices and virtual reality headsets.
  • Pac-Man could be adapted into a new television show or movie.
  • Pac-Man could be used in educational games to teach children about math, science, and other subjects.

Pac-Man is a classic video game that has had a major impact on popular culture. The game is still enjoyed by people of all ages today, and it is sure to continue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Pac-Man is a true classic that will never go out of style.

PUBG Mobile Collaborates Again with Line Friends

PUBG Mobile has entered into a further collaboration with Line Friends, a global creative studio that is popular for its adorable characters, after previously capturing the hearts of the PUBG Mobile community around the world through its first collaboration in July 2021.

Sally, Choco, Brown, Leonard, and Cony themed merchandise is available to obtain from February 2 to March 3 2024. During this limited period, players can play the “Prize Path” and “Hola Buddy” events to get various Line exclusive skins Friends.

The “Prize Path” event provides 10 types of Line Friends themed prizes, namely Line Friends Dragon Brown Set, Dragon Brown Cover, Brown Helmet, Dragon Cony Set, Dragon Cony Cover, Lovey Dovey 2-Seat Motorcycle, Line Friends Pan, Glider, Plane Finish, and Parachute.

To complete the Line Friends merchandise collection, players can also get 5 other prizes through the “Hola Buddy” event: Line Friends Sally Buddy, Dragon Sally Buddy Set, Choco Dress Set, LEONARD Raincoat Set, and Sally Backpack.

The celebration of PUBG Mobile’s collaboration with Line Friends is also getting livelier with the presence of the “Fluffy Fortress” event which will be held on February 4 2024. Indonesian creators Hici Chy, Bennym0za, Bang Alex, and Jeixy will show off their skills in playing PUBG Mobile against other creators from Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines while wearing adorable Line Friends merchandise.

Previously, PUBG Mobile also just held a promotion, where gamers could get PUBG Mobile skins for free. That is, only with push rank in the newest season, namely Cycle 6 Season 16.

C6S16 will last for several months, starting from January 14 – March 16 to be precise. If you succeed in reaching the highest possible rank, the prizes you get will be even more tempting.


Funny! Hot Dog Themed Nintendo Switch Controller

Hyperkin, a video games manufacturing and distributor company from the United States, has once again made a cute and unique game controller. In collaboration with a food company, they created a Hot Dog themed Nintendo Switch controller design.

Previously, Hyperkin had made many game controllers with attractive designs from food brands such as Kraft Mac & Cheese, Heinz, Oscar Mayer, Kool-Aid, and Sriracha.

Reporting from Gizmochina, Wednesday (31/1/2024) the Nintendo Switch controller has a transparent body that is reminiscent of the old N64 controller, featuring red and yellow colors and the addition of curved lines as ‘sauce’ which are the characteristics of Hot Dog food.

Previously, Hyperkin has produced Tetris and Miraculous Ladybug themed controllers, but this is their first foray into the culinary sector. Unfortunately, for fans of multiple consoles, this delicious controller is made only for Switch, PC, and mobile gaming. They are not planned for Xbox or PlayStation compatibility.

For those who like a mix of food and fun, this controller offers a new way to spice up your gaming to make it fun and exciting.

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